Meeting Notes 1/15/13
Meeting Type: Group Meeting
Advisor(s): None
Members: Kyle, Alex, Santi, Greg, Stuart, Sondra, Darryl
Excused: None
Action Items
- Deliverable
- Continue working on sub group tasks
- Box will be done by next week
Meeting Topics
- Progress reports
- Next week’s goals
Important Notes
- Deliverable!
- May need to make special accommodations to handle IMU comm
Transcript (Notes)
- Deliverable
- There’s a format on the email
- Kyle added comments
- Our implementation of Amin’s Topics
- Scope: Our original introduction
- Uploaded to GDocs
- Kyle tested Arduino Mega
- Uploaded code correctly
- Alex probably didn’t change the board setting when coding the Mega
- Register for the competition
- Arduino progress
- IMU - Arduino communication
- Arduino now reads IMU: pitch, yaw, roll
- The Arduino sends the IMU data over the serial port
- The IMU is plugged into the transmit and receive pins
- This causes all communications with the computer to be the IMU data
- The air tank got filled up (it’s actually a scuba tank, says the paintball shop)
- Stuart back to shop if necessary
- Santi will look at it
- The box
- The lid is being done in the HPMI right now
- The holes will be drilled once the lid is done
- New rules
- We’ll need to remount a pole to control the wheel
- We’ll also need to control a lever
- OpenCV
- Recognizing boxes and circles according to color
- Need to filter out noise where the rogue colored isles are assumed to be part of the shape
- Next week
- Greg and Santi
- Will start putting box together by tomorrow
- Box will be put together by next week
- Waterproofing starting next week
- Alex and Stuart
- Figure out what’s going on with actuators
- Continue working on making IMU and Arduino work together
- Kyle and Sondra and Darryl
- Finish the deliverable
Group Notes
Not available.